The Allstate Sugarbowl 2023 Viper 640 World Championship is just ten weeks away.
If you haven’t make plans to travel to New Orleans for this year’s Worlds, there is still plenty of time. Make your plane reservations NOW while flights are still cheap. Find a hotel or AirBNB so you’re set-up for the week. And…oh yeah…REGISTER!!!
As of today, 33 teams have registered and the word is that there are a dozen or so boats still planning to come. We’ve all gone through this before – register early so the organizers know how many happy, hungry Viperers to plan for.
And, if you register by January 22 you save $100 on the entry fee. That will buy you more than a few Hurricanes in the Quarter on the layday.
The Viper Executive Committee recently discussed how we’re looking for more boats to register. If, in fact, the only reason you’re not registering to sail in the Worlds you don’t want to drag your Viper all the way to New Orleans, then call Steve Chapman who will work with you to find a charter boat, particularly if you’re sitting in Europe, Australia, or South Africa.
Sitting on the fence can become very uncomfortable…and expensive…so make the call and register for the 2023 Viper 640 Worlds and U23 Worlds today! And, it you need more incentive, SYC has two more sponsors meaning more beer and more fun for everyone.
Southern Yacht Club
2023 Viper 640 Worlds – March 26-31 – Registration and information
2023 Viper 640 U23 Worlds – March 24-26 – Registration and information