By Dave Bolyard (Ullman Sails) and John Dane
- Make sure the weather sheet is not cleated.
- Pull the sprit all the way out when skipper has rounded the offset mark while simultaneously raising the spinnaker halyard. If possible, pre-trimming the spin sheet also helps pull the sail out of the sleeve faster. Note: IN WINDY WEATHER DO NOT DO THIS BEFORE THE OFFSET BECAUSE THE SPINNAKER COULD FILL WITH WATER
- Hoist quickly once sprit is going out and pull the spin sheet back to shroud (not further) until the spinnaker is all the way up. Make sure the jib is not over trimmed.
- The person raising the spin halyard should have one foot further back than the other. If the two feet are side-by-side and the resistance from the spin bag suddenly eases, the crewmember can topple backwards.
- Check that sprit is all the way out (tight to ball) and spinnaker is all the way up.
Determine what type of spinnaker take down will be done.
I Standard leeward take down while approaching mark on starboard tack.
- Pull the spinnaker sheet to the shroud.
- Pull take down line tight.
- Once the take down line gets tight, then drop the halyard.
- Pull the spinnaker 2/3 of way in and then let the sprit go and the sheet go. DO NOT LET SPRIT GO WHEN FIRST LETTING HALYARD GO AS THE SPINNAKER WILL FILL WITH WATER.
II Port tack windward take down
- Sail 2 to 3 boat lengths high of the mark. Once there, HEAD DIRECTLY DOWN WIND.
- Pull the clew around to the port side and hold it tight then prepare to drop the halyard.
- The driver should head up slightly on port tack to have the spinnaker lay against jib, deck and mast.
- Then complete steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 as listed above in the normal leeward take down.
III The Mexican Take Down – Approaching mark on starboard tack.
- Sail one boat length high of the mark.
- When you gybe to round the mark, hold the spin trim tight to keep the spinnaker on port side of boat.
- The jib gets trimmed to starboard for the new leg
- The driver should head up slightly on port tack to have the spinnaker lay against jib, deck and mast.
- Then complete steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 as listed above in the leeward take down.
- Everyone should try to get up on the out-of-the-water rail
- Release the mainsheet and the GNAV from the high rail
- The forward crew pulls the jib sheet in tight on the windward side. This will force the bow downwind as the boat starts to right itself.
- The driver should try and steer downwind
- Drop the spinnaker halyard six feet to relieve the pressure so you don’t stay capsized.
- As soon as the boat stands up, the driver should continue to steer downwind and then the crew will re-hoist the spinnaker.